Privacy Policy

Updated at 2022-08-08

Glaucoma Timer ("we," "our," or "us") is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by Glaucoma Timer.

This Privacy Policy applies to our website, and its associated subdomains (collectively, our "Service") alongside our application, Glaucoma Timer. By accessing or using our Service, you signify that you have read, understood, and agree to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

Definitions and key terms

To help explain things as clearly as possible in this Privacy Policy, every time any of these terms are referenced, are strictly defined as:

What Information Do We Collect?

We collect information from you when you visit our app, register on our site, place an order, subscribe to our newsletter, respond to a survey or fill out a form.

How Do We Use The Information We Collect?

Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

When does Glaucoma Timer use end user information from third parties?

Glaucoma Timer will collect End User Data necessary to provide the Glaucoma Timer services to our customers.

End users may voluntarily provide us with information they have made available on social media websites. If you provide us with any such information, we may collect publicly available information from the social media websites you have indicated. You can control how much of your information social media websites make public by visiting these websites and changing your privacy settings.

When does Glaucoma Timer use customer information from third parties?

We receive some information from the third parties when you contact us. For example, when you submit your email address to us to show interest in becoming a Glaucoma Timer customer, we receive information from a third party that provides automated fraud detection services to Glaucoma Timer. We also occasionally collect information that is made publicly available on social media websites. You can control how much of your information social media websites make public by visiting these websites and changing your privacy settings.

Do we share the information we collect with third parties?

We may share the information that we collect, both personal and non-personal, with third parties such as advertisers, contest sponsors, promotional and marketing partners, and others who provide our content or whose products or services we think may interest you. We may also share it with our current and future affiliated companies and business partners, and if we are involved in a merger, asset sale or other business reorganization, we may also share or transfer your personal and non-personal information to our successors-in-interest.

We may engage trusted third party service providers to perform functions and provide services to us, such as hosting and maintaining our servers and the app, database storage and management, e-mail management, storage marketing, credit card processing, customer service and fulfilling orders for products and services you may purchase through the app. We will likely share your personal information, and possibly some non-personal information, with these third parties to enable them to perform these services for us and for you.

We may share portions of our log file data, including IP addresses, for analytics purposes with third parties such as web analytics partners, application developers, and ad networks. If your IP address is shared, it may be used to estimate general location and other technographics such as connection speed, whether you have visited the app in a shared location, and type of the device used to visit the app. They may aggregate information about our advertising and what you see on the app and then provide auditing, research and reporting for us and our advertisers. We may also disclose personal and non-personal information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate in order to respond to claims, legal process (including subpoenas), to protect our rights and interests or those of a third party, the safety of the public or any person, to prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity, or to otherwise comply with applicable court orders, laws, rules and regulations.

Where and when is information collected from customers and end users?

Glaucoma Timer will collect personal information that you submit to us. We may also receive personal information about you from third parties as described above.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

We keep your information only so long as we need it to provide Glaucoma Timer to you and fulfill the purposes described in this policy. This is also the case for anyone that we share your information with and who carries out services on our behalf. When we no longer need to use your information and there is no need for us to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, we’ll either remove it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't identify you.


This app may contain third party advertisements and links to third party sites. Glaucoma Timer does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in those advertisements or sites and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and sites and the offerings made by the third parties.

Advertising keeps Glaucoma Timer and many of the websites and services you use free of charge. We work hard to make sure that ads are safe, unobtrusive, and as relevant as possible.

Third party advertisements and links to other sites where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by Glaucoma Timer of the third party sites, goods or services. Glaucoma Timer takes no responsibility for the content of any of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered in all advertisements.

Cookies for Advertising

These cookies collect information over time about your online activity on the app and other online services to make online advertisements more relevant and effective to you. This is known as interest-based advertising. They also perform functions like preventing the same ad from continuously reappearing and ensuring that ads are properly displayed for advertisers. Without cookies, it’s really hard for an advertiser to reach its audience, or to know how many ads were shown and how many clicks they received.


Glaucoma Timer uses "Cookies" to identify the areas of our website that you have visited. A Cookie is a small piece of data stored on your computer or mobile device by your web browser. We use Cookies to enhance the performance and functionality of our app but are non-essential to their use. However, without these cookies, certain functionality like videos may become unavailable or you would be required to enter your login details every time you visit the app as we would not be able to remember that you had logged in previously. Most web browsers can be set to disable the use of Cookies. However, if you disable Cookies, you may not be able to access functionality on our website correctly or at all. We never place Personally Identifiable Information in Cookies.

Blocking and disabling cookies and similar technologies

Wherever you're located you may also set your browser to block cookies and similar technologies, but this action may block our essential cookies and prevent our website from functioning properly, and you may not be able to fully utilize all of its features and services. You should also be aware that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences) if you block cookies on your browser. Different browsers make different controls available to you. Disabling a cookie or category of cookie does not delete the cookie from your browser, you will need to do this yourself from within your browser, you should visit your browser's help menu for more information.

Remarketing Services

We use remarketing services. What Is Remarketing? In digital marketing, remarketing (or retargeting) is the practice of serving ads across the internet to people who have already visited your website. It allows your company to seem like they're "following" people around the internet by serving ads on the websites and platforms they use most.

Kids' Privacy

We do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to this Privacy Policy so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you (for example, through our Service) before we make changes to this Privacy Policy and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Privacy Policy. If you do not want to agree to this or any updated Privacy Policy, you can delete your account.

Third-Party Services

We may display, include or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications and other products services) or provide links to third-party websites or services ("Third- Party Services").

You acknowledge and agree that Glaucoma Timer shall not be responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect thereof. Glaucoma Timer does not assume and shall not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Services.

Third-Party Services and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to you and you access and use them entirely at your own risk and subject to such third parties' terms and conditions.

Tracking Technologies

Contact Us

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.